A descriptive analysis of TB patients registered for treatment using the Web based Case based Portal (NIKSHAY ), in the district Byculla of Mumbai, India

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.04.02.Art026

Authors : Syed Imran Farooq Irshad Ali, Jayashree Shinde, Minni Khetarpal, Manohar H Pawar


Objectives: To describe the major characteristics of Revised National TB Control Programme notified TB cases in district Byculla, Mumbai from January 2013 through December 2013

Design: Descriptive analysis of 1024 reported TB cases extracted from the Web based case based portal of RNTCP-NIKSHAY

Setting: Twenty, Primary, secondary and tertiary health care centres across the district of Byculla, Mumbai

Population: A multivariate population of TB patients of all ages and gender with confirmed TB registered in NIKSHAY by the district of Byculla, Mumbai from January 2013 to December 2013

Main outcome measure: Microbiologically or clinically conformed TB case registered


The Total TB case notification rate was found to be 213 per 1,00,000 population in the year 2013.The highest proportion, 24.8% (p<0.000) of TB cases were notified in the age group 15-24 although the peak (22.5%) for females was observed in the age group 25-34 years. Extra pulmonary TB was calculated to be 34% (p<0.000) but was disproportionately high (48%) in the females. 31% (p,0.000) of the patients sputum result was “NA”


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