Making FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Truly Healthy and Safe: Strategies and Legacy for Present and Future Sporting Events

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.SE.22.02.Art001

Authors : Abiodun Bamidele Adelowo


Aside from the FIFA men’s World cup, fewer other global sporting events have the potential to attract the undivided attention of global leaders and citizens. It is arguable the most influential global sporting event. Thus, the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 has been themed “Healthy 2022 World Cup - Creating Legacy for Sport and Health”, and the goal is to make the event the most successful, healthiest, and safest sporting event in recent human history. The event is meant to rekindle the global conversation around the double disease pandemic that is presently ravaging the world. The fast and furious Covid-19 and the subtle and steadily progressing non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The event organizers also intend to use the platform to provide and implement health promotional strategies that will successfully prevent and control the spread and progression of these diseases and influence most global football enthusiasts to cultivate healthy and sustainable lifestyle changes. A successful event may likely be a model and legacy for future sporting or social events. However, for the FIFA World cup Qatar 2022 to be effective in changing unhealthy behaviours and in promoting safe and healthy lifestyles, it should have some vital components. The planning and execution of such a project need to be systematic, comprehensive, and evidence-based. This review briefly discussed the global impacts of Covid-19 and NCDs, the importance of combating these diseases through the FIFA World cup Qatar 2022, and finally suggested strategies that will likely ensure the event achieves its set goals and objectives.


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