Role of Private Capital Inflows in Financial Inclusion in Uganda

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.05.02.Art028

Authors : Benson Benedict Okech, Rheeta Marjery, Godfrey Akileng


This paper provides an empirical analysis of the role of private capital inflows in financial inclusion in Uganda. Financial inclusion was measured using three dimensions (access, usage and quality). Whereas private capital inflows where measured using two proxies of foreign direct investment and remittances. The study anchored on financial intermediation theory with its three associated theories. The target population was private organisations that have received private capital in Uganda. The study used data which were collected from Bank of Uganda and Ugandan investment Authority, Ministry of Finance for the period 2012-2016. A cross sectional descriptive designs were used while data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate Logistics regression analysis. It was found that private capital inflows did not play any significant role in promoting financial inclusion in Uganda. The study recommends that government particularly Bank of Uganda, Ministry of Finance and Uganda Investment Authority to formulate policies which will attract more investors to Uganda hence boosting FDI. For worker remittances to be deepen and widened, the Ministry of Finance and Uganda Revenue Authority should remove costs associated with receipt of remittances in-country. This way an all-inclusive and stable financial sector in Uganda is ensured.

Keywords: Private Capital, Financial Inclusion, Inflows, Uganda.


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