The Role of Management Information System and Factors Influencing Strategic Decision making Processes in an Organization

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.02.02.Art003

Authors : Akinade Simeon Adebisi


Decision making is the hallmark of Management in any business enterprise whether big or small. Management on daily basis is beset with challenge of what to do, how to do, where to do, when to do and for whom to do. Strategic decision making is an ongoing process that involves creating strategies to achieve goals and objectives altering strategies based on observed outcomes through management information system. Management Information System is basically concerned with the process of collecting, processing, storing and transmitting relevant information to support the management operations in an organization. Thus, the success of decision-making, which is the heart of administrative process, is highly dependent partly on available information, and partly on the functions that are the components of the process. In spite of many studies that have been carried out in the area of strategic decision-making especially during the 1990's, we still know little about strategic decision-making process and factors affecting it. This paper builds on previous theoretical and empirical studies to determine the extent to which contextual factors and Management information system impact the strategic decision-making processes.


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