Factors Contributing to Inconsistent Use of Family Planning Services at St Joseph’s Hospital Catchment Area

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.SE.19.01.Art010

Authors : Palesa Monamane


Family planning is referred to as controlling the number of children a couple wishes to have, interval between births by means of artificial contraception or voluntary surgical contraception. It involves the use of contraceptives, other techniques which include sexual health education, prevention, and management of sexually transmitted diseases, pre-conception counselling and infertility management (WHO:2010)

Family planning services are comprehensive and enable an individual to have an informed decision regarding available methods. It considers maternal health as motherhood has risks especially early and late motherhood and has been seen as having benefits for the well- being of women, community and society at large.

Despite the benefits and modern methods that are used women still do not come for family planning services at recommended time. That is, there is still inconsistent use of family planning services by the clientele.


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