Stress Problems in Elderly people

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.07.04.Art012

Authors : Krishna Bahadur Bohara


Introduction: Ageing is considered a problem in our society. Old age is the time associated with physical, a psychological and social change which leads to vulnerable conditions to acquire physical, psychological and social health problems. This study aims to find out the health problems among elderly and to determine the factors associated with health problems. So, they need proper physical as well as social care during this period. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out among 40 elderly who were the members of senior societies of ward number 2 Dhangadhi sub-metropolitans. Elderly of aged 65 years & above were selected purposively for the study. Result: The mean age of the elderly were 70 years among them 62% were females. Self-reported chronic illnesses among elderly were hypertension 22%, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases 19%, diabetes 15%, cardiac problems and joint problems 11 %. Further, 21% had hearing impairment and 11% had vision impairment. Concerning the functional impairment, 51% were partially dependent in performing some of the activities of daily living. Conclusions: Physical health problems that hypertension, chronic pulmonary diseases, diabetes, joint problems are the common. Functional impairment is higher among increased age elderly. Psychological health problems such as cognitive impairment and depression are identified. Experiences of being abused by the family members are also discerned. Hence, it is recommended to plan health promotional strategies for addressing these old age-related health problems. Elderly people should be encouraged to do activities around house or garden that provides glee and light exercise.

Keywords: Seniors citizens, Stress, Depression, Health.


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