Determinants of Poor Waste Management in Ghana; Challenges and Health Implications

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.07.04.Art023

Authors : Johnson Kosi Kottoh


The purpose of the study was to analyze the underlying factors affecting effective solid waste management in the Ghana using the Tamale metropolis as a case. Solid waste management has become a major development challenge in Tamale Metropolitan Assembly (TAMA) in recent times. This deserves not only the attention of the Metropolitan Assembly and the waste management institutions but also concerns of corporate organizations and individuals to find a lasting solution to the problem. Therefore, with the aid of concurrent mixed method design, three main techniques employed in gathering the primary data were: preliminary field investigation, questionnaire survey and face-to-face interview. Findings of the study established that factors affecting effective solid waste management in the Metropolis included inadequate skip supply for storing waste, lack of routine collection of waste and poor methods of waste management. The study also concluded that there were inadequate resources for waste management institutions to effectively collect the waste generated. In the light of these problems enumerated above, the research recommended the adequate supply of skips, regular collection of waste, use of Integrated Solid Waste Management Model (ISWM), proper management of the landfill and adequate resourcing of the waste management institutions.

Keywords: Ghana, Environment, Waste management, Solid waste.


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