Self-delay for Timely Antenatal Care, Rituals and Heavy-Handed in-laws: Cultural Practices Killing Pregnant Women in Zambia- Lundazi district

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.08.04.Art009

Authors : Patricia Mambwe


This study examined socio-cultural practices surrounding maternal deaths in Lundazi district –Zambia. The practices stealthily affect antenatal care received by antenatal women with subsequent maternal complications and deaths. Four Focus Group Discussions involving 40 members of Small Motherhood Action Groups (SMAGs) were conducted in March 2018.This study found that pregnant women in Lundazi district- Zambia delay to initiate antenatal care until 6th or 7th month of their pregnancy. The reasons given include fear of witchcraft stealing the human embryo for magic. Pregnant women are delayed further as they seek traditional medicines from Traditional Healers for pregnancy protection. Other pregnant women cannot attend antenatal care consistently because their mothers-in-law want them to do what is considered beneficial for a woman traditionally- do house chores or join the team going to the maize field. Late antenatal initiation is a crisis. It is an emergency in waiting for which some pregnant women never recover.


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