Effectiveness of Mobile Phone Reminders in Improving Adherence and Treatment Outcomes of Patients on Art in Adamawa State, Nigeria: A Ramdomized Controlled Trail

Adherence to antiretroviral therapy
(ART) among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) is very imperative
in achieving successful treatment outcome and decreased risk of HIV transmission
to uninfected people. This is a randomized controlled
trial study conducted in Adamawa State, Nigeria. 244 patients were randomized to
intervention or control group. Data
obtained from the study was analyzed using SPSS Version 21. Frequencies distributions,
descriptive statistics were presented, Inferential statistics such as Pearson Chi
square, McNemar’s test, Paired T test, correlation and repeated measures ANOVA were
used to measure the strength of associations and relationships between the various
variables and probability of statistically significant level set < 0.05 at 95%
Confidence interval. The response rates in the intervention and control groups were
99% and 96.7% at 3 months; 97.5% and 92.6% at 6 months, respectively. Individual
socio-demographic characteristics were not found to be associated with adherence
levels in this study. At six months follow up the proportion of the respondents
who had good adherence (>95%) was higher (89.1%) and statistically significant
(p= 0.001) in the intervention group compared to control group (63.1%) and (p= 0.617).
A significantly higher frequency in missed clinic appointments (7.98 vs 1.68) (p=0.024)
was noticed in the control group, and a statistically significant increase in the
proportion of participants who reported an increase in weight (p=0.001), CD4 cells
counts (p=0.001) and decrease in the presence of tuberculosis and other opportunistic
infections were observed among patients in the intervention group.
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