Road Traffic Accidents, National Development and Public Health in Contemporary Nigeria: Analytical Study of Plateau State 2006-2013

increasing level of road traffic accidents in Plateau State and the consequent
injuries and deaths strengthened the case for its regular analysis. There is a
generally increasing incidence, morbidity and mortality rates of road traffic
accidents. Majority of mortalities and morbidities occur in developing
Countries. Worldwide, road traffic accidents lead to deaths and disability as
well as financial cost to both society and the individual involved. The causes
of road traffic accidents are not just human error or driver negligence.
Unfortunately, Nigerian highways are arguably one of the worst and most
dangerous in the world. Road traffic accident in Plateau State, Nigeria has not
received the attention warranted. Reviewing literature on road traffic
accidents and their impact and using the time-series description method, road
traffic accidents showed an upward trend and significant seasonal influences.
Using chi-square test showed
there were significant differences among the various causes of accidents and
accident cases (Minor, fatal and serious) with respect to types of vehicles
involved over the years. Articles were sort from public libraries, as well as online
through internet search engines and relevant information extracted. There is
need to view road traffic accident as an issue that needs urgent attention
aimed at reducing the health, social and economic impacts. Data on recorded
cases of road traffic accidents was collected from the Motor Traffic Division
(MTD), Divisional Headquarters, Jos, Plateau State Police Command. Out of 5921
accident cases, reckless driving, inexperience and mechanical fault and road
defects accounted for 30.3,
21.5 and 21.1%, respectively.
Two motorcycles, motorcycle-vehicle and vehicle-vehicle crashes are the lead
types and have resulted in 38.9, 37.5 and 14.9% of the 855 deaths recorded
within the period of study. Furthermore, the study showed that private cars,
minibuses and taxis accounted for most of the accidents with 94.7% of the total
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