Factors Affecting Utilization of Postnatal Care Services in Kenya

Approximately 30-40% of
direct maternal deaths in Africa are due to hemorrhage, mostly in the
postpartum period both in the hospital and in the community levels. In sub
Saharan Africa only 13 % of the mothers attend postnatal care .Adequate
utilization of postnatal care can help reduce mortality and morbidity among
mothers and their babies. This study was carried out in Province General
Hospital Nyeri, Kenya with the objective of determining the factors affecting
the utilization of postnatal services. It was a descriptive survey and
convenience sampling method was used to identify the required sample population
and a data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. A total of 240 women
successfully completed the survey. The questionnaire generated demographic
information about the mothers’ knowledge about postnatal services awareness and demographic characteristics
that were found to influence the uptake of postnatal services included age,
marital status, and parity.
Its was found that most
women lacked awareness about the services given in postnatal clinic and long
waiting time and cultural beliefs were among factors that affected utilization
of postnatal care. From the study the utilization of the postnatal services at
the hospital in 14.2% which is quite low considering the need for postnatal
services. The research recommends enhanced advocacy and communication to the
mothers on the need for use of postnatal services in the hospital.
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