Factors Influencing Integration of Social Determinants of Health into Clinical Practice in Hospitals in Uganda

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.11.01.Art025

Authors : Higenyi Emmanuel


The overall objective of this study was to assess the factors influencing the extent of integration of social determinants of health (SDH) into clinical practice in hospitals in Uganda. This was cross-sectional. Data was collected from 1042 health workers using a self-administered questionnaire. The factors influencing integration were elucidated using multiple regression modeling. The final model of the influencing factors contained the factor domains health worker confidence, hospital environment, health worker attitude, adoption level for strategies of integration, disease characteristics, and accreditation to the Nurses and Midwives Council. The study successfully elucidated the model for factors influencing the integration of social determinants into clinical practice. The findings have educational, practice, administrative, and policy implications. The multi-method approach was used to limit social desirability bias among health workers; however, the study did not adjust for carry-over effects arising from health workers who were also practicing in private clinics and medical centres.

Keywords: Clinical practice; Factors, Integration; Social determinants.


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