Analysis of Quality and Quantity of Complementary Feeding and Nutrition among Children of 6 to 36 Months in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Borno State, Nigeria

This paper
provides a cross sectional analysis of the quality and quantity of complimentary
feeding and nutrition among children of 6-36 months in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council.
The role of health workers and parents in contextualities in driving, constraining
or otherwise influencing complimentary feeding practices is explored through a review
of the essential literature. Though this literature is found to have considerably
expanded the scope of understanding around health and nutrition, research in the
area is found to be lacking in methodological coherence and theoretical substance.
Future efforts are needed to systematically bring together the array of insights,
methodological approaches, and recommendations in this literature, as well as better
bound, differentiate and systemize health and nutrition research in the area going
forward. Two initial objectives are advanced through this paper in relation to this
dual research imperative. They employed the survey research method. It revealed
that knowledge of complementary feeding amongst women in emergencies are poor and
government need to scale up support through local enlightenment programs that will
boost good health and nutritional practices.
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