Global Health and Health Programs, Implication in Practice - A Review

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Authors : Grace Atieno Jalang’o


Health is gaining greater attention on the global scenario. There has been an overall change that has seen a shift from global nation-based health-policy-making structures towards more diversity and greater emphasis on private sector actors. The not for profit civil society and non-governmental organization are now seen as a vital heath partner especially for health campaigns.

Funding for global health is also changing as pressure mounts against vertical disease focused funding in favor of horizontal funding aimed at strengthening health systems. Players in the global health scene are also changing to include public private partnerships as well as a greater appreciation and inclusion of civil society.

For global health to be effective worldwide and especially in Africa, the focus must be towards a broader system of funding that is not disease specific but also has an emphasis on strengthening the health system. Building and maintaining capacity for healthcare provision is also critical for effective action against health threats. Focus must also be on enabling partnerships while taking care that the broader public sector agenda is not overridden by vested interests especially in public- private partnerships

Global health must also widen its focus from communicable disease to address threats posed by widespread increase in risk factors for non- communicable disease and broader social and economic factors that impact health in this era of rapid globalization. The trend must be towards using an evidence base to employ strategies that will in the long run provide cost effective interventions while ensuring appropriate and sustainable technologies are utilized to address health concerns.


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