Social Work Study on the Impact of Climate Change Among Communities in Kampung Pantai Johor, Kedah

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.01.Art020

Authors : Mahathir Yahaya, Farhana Kamarul Bahrin, Aiman Muqri Ahmad Shukri


Climate change in Malaysia has led to the occurrence of flooding disasters that have a negative impact on all parties, especially the vulnerable groups, including the community in Pantai Johor Village, Kedah. Climate change refers to significant changes in average climate conditions or its variability over a long period (usually near or more). The flooding disasters have caused the Malaysian government to incur significant expenses to assist flood victims. Therefore, a qualitative study was conducted on ten respondents in Pantai Johor Village, Kedah, who were heads of households selected through purposive sampling. In-depth interviews were conducted to obtain the necessary information. All collected data were analyzed using thematic analysis methods. The study findings indicate that flooding disasters have an impact on the community's life in Pantai Johor Village, Alor Setar, Kedah. The study found that all respondents stated that climate change has an impact on their lives. Climate change in this village has led to flooding disasters, affecting the community. For the first objective of the study, the researcher successfully answered it through discussions of the study findings. The conclusions that can be drawn by the researcher based on the study's objective, which is to examine the impact of climate change on the community in Pantai Johor Village, Kedah, are that climate change brings various negative effects on the community's life in the village. The climate change that occurs has caused economic problems and disrupted the well-being of the community.


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