Impact of Critical Success Factors on International ISO Accreditation for the Botswana Public Health Laboratories

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.01.Art021

Authors : Bakae Moitlhobogi, Talkmore Maruta


The purpose of this study is to identify critical success factors and their impact on implementation of quality management system at selected Public Health Laboratories in Botswana. The study population was from the targeted seven accredited Public Health Laboratories in Botswana. Data on critical success factors was collected using a questionnaire. The questions were based on the critical success factors for implementation of total quality management identified during the literature review. Ten Critical Success Factors for successful implementation of the quality management system were rated by a group of questions using a five point Likert scale method. The 5-point Likert scale includes the items: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree. Strongly agree was assigned a score of 5, agree is assigned a score of 4, neutral is assigned a score of 3, disagree is assigned a score of 2 and strongly disagree a score of 1. The mean of the assigned ratings is 3.0. Critical success factors which score mean greater than 3.0 will be classified as agree while those mean less than 3.0 will be classified as disagree. All the ten critical success factors had a mean above of 3.0, with a range of 4.77 to 3.57. All the ten success factors were deemed critical; Employee empowerment Strategic quality planning, Process management, Performance management, Quality culture, Management and leadership, Training, Supplier Management, Customer focus, Information analysis.


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