Epidemiology of Hypertension in Abuja Metropolis. Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria

Normal systolic
blood pressure (SBP) is between 100 and 140mmHg while normal diastolic blood
pressure (DBP) is between 60 to 100mmHg. Pulse pressure (PP) is the difference
between the systolic and diastolic pressure and it falls in the range of 40 and
Mean arterial
pressure (MAP) is the average arterial pressure during a single cardiac cycle.
It is the perfusion pressure seen by organs in the body. The normal value is
between 70 and 110mmHg
A MAP that is lower
than the normal value for a prolonged period of time leads to decreased oxygen
supply to vital organs. It is represented as MAP = SBP + 2 (DBP)/ 3.
Blood pressure (BP)
is the force which causes blood to flow through arteries to the capillaries
then back to the heart via the veins. It is measured indirectly by the use of a
sphygmomanometer. It is a result of interaction between cardiac output (CO),
systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and blood viscosity.
Represented as BP =
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