Exposed HIV infants who had their DBS sample collected, tested and received result in past 12 months (January-December 2013) at Specialist Hospital Yola, Nigeria

study is a retrospective study design to examine the outcome of babies born to
HIV-positive mothers in Specialist Hospital Yola, Adamawa state, Nigeria. The
total population of women who tested HIV-positive and accessed antenatal care,
intra-natal care and post natal care and were enrolled for PMTCT at Specialist
Hospital, Yola between January 2013 and December 2013 and infants below 24
months .
objective of this study is to determine the number of the exposed infants that
received PCR service using DBS as compared with the total number of positive
pregnant mothers and also to identify the gaps with the view to correcting them
Total ANC attendee
was forty thousand three hundred and Seventy four (40,374) pregnant women of
which Eleven thousand three hundred (11,300) received counseled, tested and
received results for HIV. Two hundred and Nineteen (219) 1.9% tested were
reported positive. This makes up 1.9% of the population tested. The HIV testing
among HIV-exposed
Infants within the health care
facility were (133) 60.7%. The prevalence of HIV infection among
HIV-exposed infants
who were tested by HIV-1 DNA PCR method was (8) 8.4%. 95 (71%) of the total DBS
sample collected had their results. 38 (28.6%) of the infants never received
their result.
The facility had
intermittent supply of commodities for EID of HIV, trained human resources,
system of identification of HIV-exposed infants. Early HIV testing during
Pregnancy, PMTCT ARV
prophylaxis, disclosure of HIV status, enrollment to care and treatment,
frequent attendance to EID services, co-trimoxazole prophylaxis and exclusive
breast feeding was found to be significant predictors for testing of
HIV-exposed infants.
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