How effective are Community-Based Primary HealthCare Interventions on Infant and Child Survival?

Child survival remains one of the most important public health challenges in Ghana.
The promotion of community-based child health interventions is among the key strategies
to improve child survival. The primary goal of the study was therefore to
assess the potential of community-based primary health care interventions on
child survival in Yendi Municipality. Method.
The study was a community-based cross sectional study. The study
employed multi-stage random cluster sampling procedure to select households and
villages in Yendi district. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used
to collect data from the study target population which included the caregivers,
the community based agent and community health officers. Results. The study established high
level of caregivers’ knowledge on prevention of diarrhea, and malaria. It
revealed similarities in some knowledge and practice and showed significant
difference in some home based care of children. It also noted significant
association between caregivers’ health seeking behavior and presence or
availability of health facility. Conclusion.
The finding concluded that there was general improvement in the health and
survival of children less than five years of age. This was however, better in
communities with health facility. Hence community-based primary health care
have a positive effects on child survival.
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