Government Policies and Primary Health Care Delivery: The Role of a Nurse Using Information, Education and Communication (IEC) as Tools

project intends to critically examine the effect of Government Health Policies,
with a particular reference to the policies that have direct bearing on primary
Health Care Delivery.
would also consider the impact of these policies on the duties of a Nurse, the
economic condition and socio-cultural beliefs of a community.
study would attempt to address the negative perception by some communities that
rejected immunization against some infectious disease e.g. poliomyelitis,
measles Diphtheria, tuberculosis etc.Also rejected by some communities was the
program on family planning. e.g. use of
condoms, child spacing etc.
project would also carefully look at the effect of the role of a Nurse using
the appropriate method of information, education and Communication in
addressing the aforementioned challenges.
the end, an evaluation would be carried out with a view to measuring the impact
of pre and post government policies, the Nurses role using communication as a
[1.] Revised
National Health Policy, 2004
[2.] Road map
for accelerating the attainment of the MDGs related
[3.] Reproductive Health in Refugee situations:
an inter-agency field manual. Primary Health Care Development
Agency (PHCDA) Act degree 29 of 1992.
[4.] UN
millennium development Goals
[5.] UNFPA
Reproductive Health in Refugee situation;