Number of pregnant adolescent women who come for first antenatal care within 16 weeks of gestational age and the total numbers of antenatal care visits during pregnancy compared to the other group

and delivery is the end of pregnancy and beginning of new life. Antenatal care
plays an important role to achieve a successful labour and delivery process.
Regular antenatal classes help in the physical and mental preparation of women
and help them relax during those last months. Antenatal care ensures maternal fetal
health wellbeing and also prepares women physically fit for labour, delivery
and the postpartum period.1
four percent of women access antenatal services in Swaziland at least once and
seventy one percent of pregnant women deliver in health facility. ii A majority
of the country’s population is young. According to Swaziland’s latest census
report (2007), 52% of the 1.1 million people are under the age of 20 and those
aged 10 –24 years constitute 37% of the population (39% male and 36% female)2.
In addition, adolescents comprise of 37% of the country’s population among
which 25% of 33, 000 deliveries areadolescents. 27% of antenatal care (ANC)
clients who live with HIV areadolescents3.
mortality is still high in Swaziland where we lose a significant number
pregnant women, it accounts to 320/100 000 live births.4 Female
adolescents account for a significant proportion of maternal deaths, which are
largely due to preventable causes like malnutrition, infections and hemorrhage
coupled with inadequate health care negligence and supportive services,
particularly in the rural areas. Unsafe abortions contribute significantly to maternal
morbidity and mortality among adolescents.
Ministry of health through the Sexual and Reproductive Health Unit has adopted
[1.] Central Statistical
Office. Swaziland Population and Housing Census, Mbabane, Swaziland. 2007.
Abstracted October 15, 2015 at 08.10hrs.
Abstracted October 15, 2015 at 08.18 Hrs.
[4.] Swaziland. Ministry of Health.
National Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Strategic Plan 2014 – 2018. Mbabane.
2015, p10-11.
[5.] Swaziland.
Ministry of Health. 11th National HIV sero-surveillance among women attending
antenatal care services. Mbabane: Printpak. 2010