Determinants of Immunization Coverage in Children 12-23 Months in Miga Local Government Area, Jigawa State Nigeria

There are high reported cases of pentavalent 3 vaccines dropout and low
immunization coverage in Miga local government area (LGA), Jigawa State,
Nigeria. This study aims to evaluate
the determinants of the low immunization coverage in children aged 12-23 months
in order to formulate/recommend public health interventions to revitalize the
routine immunization activities in the Local government area.
This is a cross-sectional study (using the WHO cluster
sampling technique) conducted among 390 care givers who
have eligible children between 12-23 months old using structured free tested
questioner on routine immunization activities to find out the determining
factors responsible for the low immunization coverage and high dropout rate of
pentavalent vaccines. A stratified sampling method was used to select 30
clusters from 186 settlements. The Data collected was analyzed using the excel
spread sheet and determinants responsible for the low coverage were identified.
After differential analysis of the data collected, 5 factors were identified:
maternal education, mass media exposure, community education and awareness
campaign on routine immunization all other factors that prevented child from
visiting health clinic such as not trusting vaccine by the parent, permission
not granted by the husband, cost of transportation to the clinic ,non execution
of planned outreaches by the health workers as major determinants responsible
for wide gap in routine immunization coverage in the local government area.
Low immunization coverage has debilitating
consequences on the lives of the children. To improve the immunization uptake,
it is recommended that health education/promotion programs that focus on
meeting the needs of the caregivers of the eligible children as well as
continual social support should be developed and be part of the LGA’s holistic
public health/promotion program to save the
underserved children.
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