A slum in Islamabad, Pakistan, BMC Public Health 2009

This review is
critically reviewing the article ‘who am I? Where am I? Experiences of young
women in a slum in Islamabad, Pakistan’ in the journal ‘Bio Med central Public
health’. During this review, firstly the above mentioned article will be
summarized. Secondly the article’s format, structure and the matters of readers
understanding and access will be briefly analyzed. Thirdly this review will
critique the article based on its authority, current approach,
accuracy/validity, objectivity and coverage. It is said that “a critical review
of a journal article is an evaluation of an article's strengths, weaknesses and
validity” (H.T.Coutts). Furthermore this review will also analyze the graphs,
tables utilized to present different results. Along with the above mentioned
components the article will also be reviewed for its accessibility and
credibility of the publishing journal.
[1.] Article Review/Critique,
University of the Fraser Valley writing center, Retrieved on 10th May, 2014
from http://www.ufv.ca/media/assets/writing-centre/Article+review+and+critique.pdf
[2.] Coutts. H.T, Critical Reviews
of Journal Articles; University of Alberta, Retrieved on 10th May 2014 from http://wwwbcf.usc.edu/~genzuk/Reviews_Journal_Articles.pdf
[3.] Metzger. M.J, Making Sense of
Credibility on the Web: Models for Evaluating Online Information and
Recommendations for Future Research:, University of California Press