Knowledge of Auxiliary Healthcare Workers on Injection Safety and Biological Waste Handling in Taraba State, Nigeria

Background: Individuals working in healthcare settings occasionally are at risk
of infections as a result of exposure to certain diseases causing agents. However,
in most developing countries attention on prevention is mainly focused on skilled
healthcare workers (HCWs) with “neglect” of auxiliary health workers (AHWs) who
may not be knowledgeable on job health hazard and carries high risk of exposure
to infectious agents.
Objective: To assess knowledge of auxiliary healthcare
workers on injection safety and biological waste handling as well as attitude towards
post exposure prophylaxis in the event of any exposure.
A descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among AHWs on knowledge on injection
safety and biological waste handling in June 2016. Participants included ward orderlies
(WOs), lab attendants (LAs), compound laborers (CLs), theater attendants (TAs) and
laundry personnel (LPs) randomly selected. A semi structured questionnaire administered
to consented respondents. Data was presented as descriptive analysis and percentage
compared using Chi-square test with significant level 0.05 at 95% Confidence interval.
A total of 68 auxiliary healthcare workers consisting of male 44.1% (n=30) and female
55.9% (n=38) were interviewed. Respondent’s mean ± (SD) age was 31± 5.30 years and
ranged from 27- 55 years. Knowledge on injection safety and biological waste handling
among AHWs showed (WOs) 42/68 (61.7%), (LAs) 5/68 (7.4%), (CLs) 9/68 (13.2%), (TAs)
5/68 (7.4%) and (LWs) 7/68 (10.3%). A significant difference in knowledge on injection
safety and biological waste handling among AHWs was observed. (X2= 1.56,
df 4, critical value 9.488 at 95% confidence level.
Conclusion: There is low level of knowledge on
needle stick injury (NSI), biological waste handling and poor attitude towards PEP
among auxiliary healthcare workers in GH Wukari and GH Zing.
Keywords: Knowledge, Auxiliary, Biological, Injection, Waste, Safety
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