Factors Associated with Adherence to Sickle Cell Crisis Preventive-Practices among Youths of Sickle Cell Clubs in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

Adherence to sickle cell crisis preventive-practices
is a major problem in at-risk population. Evidenced-based studies on factors
associated with adherence to crisis prevention are few. This study sought to
explore how the Information-Motivation-Behavioural Skill (IMB) model can
provide understanding of underlying factors associated with adherence to
crisis-preventive-practices behaviour among youths with sickle cell disease in
Abeokuta, Nigeria.
This cross-sectional descriptive study employed a
validated 43-item questionnaire to collect information from 84 participants who
consented about crisis-risk prevention. Variables in the study were
information, motivation, self-efficacy and adherence behaviour and measured on
a 10-, 36-, 15- and 21- point scale respectively. Correlation and regression
analysis was used to test for association, significance and prediction of best
pathway to adherence with a cut-off at p≤0.05 level of significance.
The Mean Age of the participants was 20.07(0.69) ±
6.28 with 40.5% males and 59.5 % females. Majority were Yoruba and single with
minimum of secondary school education. The sample mean scores reported for
knowledge about crisis-prevention in sickle cell disease was 7.93±1.22,
motivation was 30.07 ± 4.67 and self-efficacy skills were 11.88 ±2.88. The
Adherence behaviour mean score was 11.23 ±3.30 giving a behaviour prevalence
rate of 53.5%. Motivation was significantly associated with self-efficacy
skills and adherence behaviour, while information was not significantly associated
with either. Self-efficacy skills were significantly correlated with adherence
behaviour. Path-analysis showed that the combined motivation and self-efficacy
adherence behaviour (r2=0.34).
Findings showed that an informed and motivated
sickle cell youth with good self-efficacy skills will adhere better to the
crisis prevention-practices. The study recommends that counselling that
provides information should be motivational to build self-efficacy that
promotes crisis-prevention behaviour.
Sickle cell crisis, preventive-practices, Information, Motivation, Adherence
behaviour, Self-efficacy skill.
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