Prevalence of Undiagnosed Diabetes Mellitus amongst Hypertensive Patients Attending an Outpatient Clinic in Harare, Zimbabwe

Diabetes mellitus is amongst
the largest health emergencies of the 21st century. However studies
have reported that a substantial proportion of people with diabetes mellitus
had not previously been diagnosed. On the other hand hypertension prevalence
has been reported to be on the increase. Hypertension has also been associated
with the development of diabetes mellitus. The study sought to determine the
prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus in hypertensive patients attending
an outpatient clinic in Harare, Zimbabwe.
A cross sectional study was
conducted at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals Outpatient Clinic. All
hypertensive patients attending the outpatient during the study period were
given the information about the study. All hypertensive patients who were
previously not diagnosed of diabetes mellitus who consented to participate in
the study were consecutively enrolled. A questionnaire was administered and blood
samples were collected for Glycosylated hemoglobin analysis. Glycosylated
hemoglobin was analysed using a Mindray BS800 Chemistry Analyser.
One hundred and four
hypertensive patients were enrolled into the study whose mean age was 60.91(± standard deviation of
14.06) years. Patients with
duration of hypertension greater than 10 years constituted 34% (35) of the
study population. The
prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus was 22.1% (23). Among the
previously undiagnosed diabetic patients 56.5% (13) were females and 43.5% (10)
The prevalence of
undiagnosed diabetes mellitus was found to be 22, 1% among hypertensive
patients which is higher than that reported in Kenya but lower than that
reported in Uganda. Diabetes mellitus can be highly prevalent in hypertensive
patients thus there is need for constant monitoring for the development of
diabetes mellitus and further research using a national representative sample.
Diabetes mellitus, pre-diabetes,
glycosylated haemoglobin
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