Need, Demand and Supply of Health Care in Regards to Growing Emerging and Reemerging Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa

Need in relation to health care, has generally been
defined as the amount of medical care that medical experts believe a person
should have to remain or become as healthy as possible, based on a current
medical knowledge. This is
also true for the individual and for the entire community. Thus, if a problem,
a barrier or difficulty continues to exist on the path to accession to a higher
level of health, the need exists. In “The
definition and identification of need for health care[1],”
Acheson stated that there exist four phenomena underlying health needs
including: - the risk of pain and illness (in the sense of discomfort, or
"malaise") - the risk of sickness - the inadequacy and deficiency -
the mortality risk. Finally, although certain health needs are expressed, they
do not correspond to real needs. This would provide different areas related to
health interventions, including:
· The ideal
zone (a need corresponds to an expressed demand and adequate health action);
· The area of
non-use (a health action not corresponding to any demand);
· Non-use
of family planning services in both high population growth areas but also high
· The waste
area (a health action corresponding to a demand but with no corresponding
· The prescription
of laboratory tests and other unnecessary medical procedures in response to
public solicitation, especially persons holding health insurance
· The
discontent area (a demand triggered by a real need, but to which no health
action is taken);
· The recurrence of malaria cases in one region, and the desire by local residents, to have currently non-existent measures, to be taken by health and government authorities, on the environmental and sanitation plan.
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