Knowledge and Practices Regarding Psychosocial Aspects of Palliative Care among Healthcare Workers in Ohangwena Region, Namibia

In Namibia, palliative care
service is necessitated by the situation of progressive life limiting
illnesses, which demand access to psychosocially appropriate holistic
palliative care. Little is known about the knowledge and practice of healthcare
workers on the psychosocial aspects of holistic palliative care.
This study was conducted to
critically analyze the knowledge and practice of healthcare workers on psychosocial
aspects of holistic palliative care and identify their training needs.
A cross-sectional
analytical study was conducted in the public health facilities in Ohangwena
region, amongst the randomly selected sample of 56 healthcare workers. Structured
questionnaires were self administered to capture the respondent’s knowledge and
Respondents mean age was
36.2 ± 9.81.Male respondents were 20 (35.71%) while female were 36 (64.29%). Of
the 56 healthcare workers who participated in the study, 2 (3.6%) were medical
practitioners, 44 (78.6%) nurses, 1 (1.8%) physiotherapists, 3 (5.4%) social
workers and 6 (10.7%) pharmacists. Mean years of professional experience was
9.43± 9.62. Most healthcare workers 39 (69.6%) indicated not received any training on holistic palliative care.
Knowledge of correct classification
for morphine was associated with access to internet (p<0.05). There was a
significant association between those confronted by palliative care situation
and knowledge of morphine (p<0.05). Knowledge of pain intensity among
children was significantly associated with access to internet (p=0.01). Healthcare
workers lack knowledge in the psychosocial aspects of holistic palliative care
which can implicate the quality of care to patients. This study suggested training
of healthcare workers as well as internet access.
Keywords: Palliative
care, healthcare workers, knowledge, psychosocial care, pain, training
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