Assess knowledge, attitude and practice regarding Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) and tobacco related health problems in rural setting of Bihar, India

Tobacco addiction is most widespread
addiction and it is the most important cause of death in the world. A cross
sectional community based study was conducted in Buxar district of Bihar to
assess knowledge, attitude and practice regarding Cigarette and Other Tobacco
Products Act (COTPA) and tobacco related health problems in rural setting of
Bihar, India. Data regarding awareness about tobacco control law in India,
tobacco related health problems, attitude regarding tobacco control law and
information on tobacco use were collected by interview method using a
The study shows that awareness of COTPA
is low, although knowledge and perception about certain components of the COTPA
is relatively higher. Attitude and beliefs of participants regarding COTPA
showed that at least half of the participants agreeing that provisions were
successful in curbing the consumption of tobacco. The mean scores for
knowledge, attitude and practice section did not show any statistically
significant difference between tobacco users and non-tobacco users after
adjusting for sex, age group, occupation. The data shows significant difference
in mean score of attitude section between tobacco users and non-users after
adjusting for the education status of the individual, no such difference in
seen in knowledge and practice totals.
The survey has pinpointed clear areas
where a huge gap in knowledge exists; which could be fixed by effective public private
partnership. The availability of adequate knowledge and information will lead
to change in the attitude regarding consumption of tobacco products in rural
A cross Sectional Study in rural population for knowledge, Attitude and
Practice of Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act among population of Simri
village of Simri Block in Buxar district of Bihar in India.
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