Relationship between Climate Change and Health of Adult Residents of Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Background: Climate change has had a profound
effect on socioeconomic, cultural, political, technological and even biological
nature of man and plants in the world. This study is aimed at investigating the
relationship between climate change and health of adult residents of Ile-Ife,
Methods: A sample survey method was used with
structured questionnaire and oral interview. Random sampling technique was
employed to get the sample size of 142. Informed consent of participants was
obtained before commencement of the study. 142 questionnaires were duly
completed and returned. Data were analyzed using frequencies, mean, standard
deviation and percentages. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was employed to
find the relationship between the test variables of the hypotheses.
Findings: Majority of respondents (48.6%) had
tertiary education, 20.4% had secondary education, while 18.3% are illiterate.
42.3% got their information on climate change through radio, while only 4.9% got
theirs through research institutes. 54.9% had adequate knowledge about climate
change and only 9.2% had very inadequate knowledge. 37.3% experienced malaria
and headache together due to climate change, while few (0.7%) experienced skin
rashes. Significant relationship existed between the socioeconomic
characteristics of the respondents and their present health status (r = 0.348,
p = 0.001, α = 0.05). Significant relationship was similarly found between the
socioeconomic characteristics of respondents and their perception of the effect
of climate change on their health (r = 0.392, p = 0.001, α = 0.05).
Conclusion: Climate change had negative impacts
on the health of adult residents of Ile-Ife. Governments should ensure
preservation of the ozone layer and also increase awareness of the citizens on
climate change and the effects on human health.
Climate, Climate change, Health, Relationship, Adult residents, Knowledge.
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