Infant Feeding Challenges Encountered by HIV Positive Mothers in Korogocho Slums, Nairobi, Kenya

Mother to child transmission of HIV
is the major route of HIV infection in children and is responsible for nearly
90% of childhood infections. International guidelines on infant feeding for
HIV- positive mothers promote exclusive
replacement feeding (ERF) or exclusive breastfeeding (Laar and Govender, 2013). In spite of these
guidelines, poor maternal, infant and young child nutrition (MIYCN) practices
are widely documented in Korogocho, with potential detrimental effects on child
growth and survival. Rates of exclusive infant feeding, both breast-feeding and
formula-feeding, are suboptimal in Korogocho slums with exclusive breastfeeding
for the first six months being at about two per cent. (Kimani-Murage et al.,
2013). This study was thus carried out with the main objective of assessing the
infant feeding challenges of HIV positive mothers in this slum which leads them
to practice poor infant feeding. Purposive sampling was used to select the
study site and simple random sampling was used to select a sample of 103
calculated using Fischer’s method from a target population of 140. Data was
collected using interviewer administered questionnaires and three focus group
discussions were conducted. Quantitative data was cleaned, coded, entered and
analyzed using SPSS Version 16. Qualitative data was analyzed using a three
stage thematic approach through transcription of the tape recordings,
summarization, thematical description and direct reporting where necessary.
Quantitative data was presented in the form of tables and textual summaries.
Results from this study showed poor knowledge of appropriate infant methods as
only 46 (44.7%) mothers were satisfied with the infant feeding counseling they
had received from the health personnel. Poor clinic attendance by 61(59.2%) of
the mothers may have led to short and few sessions and it also affected the
time of infant feeding thus the poor quality of counseling. Most of the mothers
were aware of mother to child transmission (MTCT) of HIV through breastfeeding
and 62(60.2%) knew that it could be prevented through exclusive breastfeeding,
60 (58.3%) through replacement feeding and 54 (52.4%) through early and abrupt
cessation of breastfeeding though quite a number lacked this knowledge. The
concerns raised by breastfeeding mothers included; 29(56.9%) inability to
produce sufficient milk, 23 (45.1%)
infections in the baby’s mouth, 19 (37.3%) breast infections and
9(11.8%) inability to control the feeding due to the influence of the extended
family. Feelings of guilt 33(94.3%) and cost of replacement feeding 26(74.3%)
were the major concerns among replacement feeding mothers. Though 17 (16.5%)
had ceased breastfeeding early, up to 15(88.2%) of them lacked advice on the
appropriate feeding methods after breastfeeding cessation. Mothers in this
study were aware of the WHO recommendations on infant feeding and MTCT through
breastfeeding and its prevention. However, they faced several challenges which
include poor knowledge on appropriate infant feeding methods, inability to
produce sufficient milk, high cost of replacement food and lack of knowledge on
appropriate infant feeding practices after cessation of breastfeeding. More
emphasis should be put on proper clinic attendance by the mothers as this will
provide additional time for the health personnel to provide full information
infant feeding. Provision of information on appropriate infant feeding
practices after cessation of breastfeeding should be enhanced. Further
investigations are required to determine the cause of insufficient milk
production by the mothers.
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