Exploration into the Factors Affecting the Coverage of Household Latrines in Kagera, Tanzania

Low coverage of household latrines in the Kagera
Region of Tanzania continues to exist despite past and current interventions to
improve the situation. A limited
understanding of the reasons for the low coverage restricted solving of this
problem. The research which aimed to explore the perceptions of community
members and latrine promoters was sought to increase understanding of this problem.
Methods: Study designed was an exploratory qualitative approach
that employed two qualitative research methods: focus group discussions and
in-depth interviews. Focus groups discussion involved elderly community members
and Ward Development Committee members who are leaders and latrine promoters.
In-depth interviews involved key informants whose job descriptions includes the
promotion of household latrines. Ethical
approval was obtained from University of Western Cape and authorisation to
conduct the study from the Kagera Regional Administrative Secretary.
Results: Content analysis revealed a
thick description of respondent’s perceptions in relation to factors which
affect the coverage of household latrines in the Kagera Region. Interlinked factors were revealed including low
community involvement and participation, poverty, cultural beliefs and taboos,
gender disparity, low technical capacity of latrine promoters and poor
Conclusion: This study revealed myriad factors
which affect the coverage of household latrines in Kagera Region of Tanzania.
Recommendations were put forward including adoption of an integrated approach,
empowerment of members, and provision of capacity building interventions for
the key latrine promoters. Insights gained through this study could contribute
towards improving the coverage of household latrines in the Kagera Region of
Keywords: Low coverage, household, latrine, sanitation, factors,
promotion, perception, Muleba District, Kagera Region, Tanzania
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