The Three Delay Model as Framework to Assess the Burden of Maternal Deaths in the Urban District of Kitwe, Zambia

Zambia, it is estimated that in excess of 398 women every year die from
pregnancy related complications out of every 100,000 live births. The lifetime
risk of a woman dying from a pregnancy related complication is 1: 20. The
largest contributor to this high number of maternal deaths from the national
level perspective has long been considered to be the delay in deciding to seek
maternal and obstetrical care at both household and community levels with very
little attempts to explore on extent to which the third delay factors have
contributed to the high numbers of maternal deaths that have continued to occur
un averted in facilities serving s referral centres. This study therefore
provided an assessment framework based on the Three Delay Model to explore and
assess how the third delay was impacting on the current burden of maternal
mortality in an urban setting of Kitwe District of Zambia.
Method: The study was prospective cross-sectional descriptive study involving
case file review of maternal deaths that occurred in the delivery facilities of
Kitwe District (Hospital and Clinics). The Study Population included all women
that had died from pregnancy related complications in the delivery centres of
an urban district (Kitwe) of Zambia in 2014 and 2015. The study
investigated 30 maternal deaths (25 reviewed cases and 5 unreviewed cases). Data was collected using an adapted
2004 WHO tool: Beyond the Numbers: Reviewing maternal deaths and complications
to make pregnancy safer and the Country’s Ministry of Health document: ‘Beyond
the Numbers; Maternal Death Review Forms.
Results: The study revealed majority (56%) came from
the low density areas within the age range of 25-29
years (50%). Majority (44%) were referred from health centres within the
vicinity hospital, 22% accessed the facilities using their own means of
transport. Referral response was poor with 50%
of the deceased being evacuated after 3 hours following decision to transfer
them from the attending local clinic. Most mothers (55%) came into the facility
in a fully conscious state with normal vital signs. Haemorrhage following
delivery (PPH) was the leading cause involving 44% of the diseased, followed by
hypertensive disorders including eclamptic fits. Sepsis following incomplete
abortion led to 22% of deaths with deaths occurring on average of 8hrs
following admission to the facility. All attendant staff was skilled birth
Conclusion: The three Delay Model provides such a
frame work to explore and identify different barriers women face in accessing
quality, timely and effective maternal health care services needed to prevent
such deaths. Using this framework, this study has revealed that the burden of
maternal deaths occurring in Kitwe District is mainly due to the factors
related to the third delay causes of maternal deaths.
[1] Central Statistics Office
(2010) Zambia Demographic and health
Survey. Lusaka. Government Printers
[2] Kitwe Central Hospital (2015) Health information management system; Maternal
death and surveillance Report. Kitwe
Central Hospital.
[3] Ministry of Health (2010) Campaign for Accelerated Reduction of Maternal
Mortality in Africa. Lusaka. Ministry
of Health
[4] Ministry of Health (2014) LOT quality Assurance Sampling; facility and household Baseline Study. Lusaka. Ministry of Health.
[5] World Health Organization (2004). Beyond the numbers: Reviewing Maternal Deaths and Complications to make pregnancy safer. Geneva. World Health Organization.