The Prevalence, Risk Factors and Treatment Methods for Tungiasis among Residents of Musokoto Sub-Location, in Kenya

is a parasitic skin disease caused by sand flea Tunga penetrans. In
Kenya, little data has been published regarding tungiasis. In Nambale health
centre, tungiasis accounted for 4% of total morbidities. Therefore
this study
sought to assess the prevalence of, risk factors
and treatment methods for tungiasis among residents of Musokoto, in Kenya.
Purposive sampling method was used. Logistic regression was used to determine
the risks factors associated with tungiasis. A total 1557 participant from 333
randomly selected households took part in the study. Of the 1557 participants,
a total of 441(28.3%) at least had jiggers at one point in their life. Out of
the 441, 287(65%) were confirmed to have jiggers on examination whereas 9(2%)
did not have jigger by the time of the study. Toes on the extreme sites were
more infested however the distribution of infestation was moral less the same
for the all toes. Above 50% of those infested were aged 10 years and below.
Logistical regression analysis revealed that place of sleeping (P<0.001, OR
= 1.319, CI = 1.180 - 1.474) significantly influenced jiggers infestation. The
type of floor of the house (P = 0.036, OR = 3.608, CI = 1.089 - 11.955) was
also found to significantly influence jiggers infestation. Source of water was
more likely to influence jigger infestation (P = 0.001, OR = 2.050, CI = 1.334
- 3.150). The results are essential for community, local Public Health Officers,
national and international public health agencies for interventions aimed at
controlling jigger’s infestation.
Tunga penetran, Tungiasis, Ectoparasitosis and Fecundation.
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