Prevalent Leadership Styles and their Compatibility to the New Ways of Working in General Hospitals in Nigeria

Hospital patients desire more flexibility in health care delivery, hence developing
new ways of working (NWW), and making the leadership styles in these hospitals to
be compatible will ensure this.
Prevailing leadership style and its compatibility to New Ways of Working were assessed
by self-administered and pretested questionnaire. Descriptive statistics to elucidate
on the demography of the respondents were done, mean score and standard deviation
values were used to examine the variables. Spearman’s rho correlation was used to
identify the association in the responses.
Setting/Participants: A stratified sampling method was used
to select samples for this study, and these samples were surveyed for their views
on the prevalent leadership styles and how this prevailing leadership style can
accommodate NWW.
Outcome measures: Some features of both task-oriented
and person-centered leadership styles were identified. Then the respondents’ agreement
to the existence of these features of each leadership style and how NWW could be
accommodated was examined.
100 questionnaires were distributed,
81 (81%) of the questionnaires were returned. The mean score of the two leadership
styles were 2.11 ± 1.11 and 2.16 ± 1.11 respectively with a significant correlation
(r = 0.871, p < 0.001). The compatibility
of prevalent leadership style to ‘New Ways of Working’ was 4.29 ± 1.74.
Conclusion: Both task-oriented
and person-centered leadership are present, and little adjustment are necessary
for NWW to be accommodated. NWW will allow patients to overcome the encumbrances
of busy schedules robbing them off an access to quality health care.
Compatibility, Leadership styles, New Ways of Working, General Hospitals.
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