Prevalence of Hepatitis-B infection among Pregnant Women in a Primary Healthcare Centre in Abuja, Nigeria

Background: Hepatitis
B is adjudged to be one of the most infectious diseases in the world and a major
public health problem with about 5% of the world population as asymptomatic carriers
translating to 350 million people harboring hepatitis B virus (HBV) globally. Chronic
infection with HBV occurs in up to 90% of infants infected at birth, 30% for children
aged one year to five years, and 6% from six years and above. Thus, prevention of perinatal
infection is an important strategy to reducing the prevalence of chronic hepatitis
B infection in Nigeria being an endemic country. Emphasis therefore is placed on
the screening of all pregnant women for HBsAg during the antenatal visit so as to
detect positive women whose new borne will need prophylaxis to reduce the risk of
contracting the infection.
Objectives: 1. to determine
the percentage of pregnant women who were screened for Hepatitis B at PHC Karu,
Abuja in 2013.2. To determine the sero-prevalence
of Hepatitis B among pregnant women screened at PHC Karu, Abuja, in 2013.3.
To determine whether the policy of prophylaxis against
peri-natal infection for neonates of sero-positive mothers were strictly followed
at this PHC during the review period.
Methods: This is
a retrospective cross-sectional study which used secondary data extracted from antenatal
registers, laboratory registers, HBsAg-positive patients’ antenatal and delivery
case notes for the period under review – Jan.-Dec. 2013.
Results: All the 856
pregnant women who registered for ANC in this PHC were offered HBsAg screening,
99.3% (850) complied with the screening, and 8.5% (72) sero-prevalence recorded.
All the positive cases were referred to secondary health facility for HBIG prophylaxis;
however no follow-up was done to ascertain the outcome.
Conclusion: The high
endemic rate of HBV infection,
(8.5% prevalence) requires more effort at preventing
the vertical transmission. 100% screening rate for all ANC clients is highly encouraged
as well as 100% follow up rate for exposed infants’ HBIG prophylaxis.
Keywords: Prevalence,
HBV infection, pregnant women, Primary Healthcare Centre, HBsAg screening.
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