An Assessment of the Psychosocial Effects of Almajiri system on Child’s Development in Gwange Ward Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria

Children are known to be the source of joy in every
family especially when the parents can afford their basic needs. Children in
the northern part of Nigeria are prone to deprivation through almajiri system
of education mainly due to respect for misunderstood religious concept and
culture among other causes. This study of psycho-social effects of almajiri
system on child’s development was conducted in Gwange ward, Maiduguri, is aimed
at identifying the psychological effects of almajiri system on child’s
development as well as the social effects of almajiri system on child’s
development. A descriptive design was used for the study. Data was obtained
from respondents (almajiris) using structured questionnaire. The data was presented
and analysed using descriptive statistics. Hypotheses were formulated and
tested using Chi-square. The findings of this study revealed that the almajiris
are affected both psychologically and socially due to lack of adequate care,
loneliness, feeling of anger, lack of proper feeding and security, exposure to
dangers and negligence by the society. Based on these findings, community
health workers, psychologists, sociologists and government should be in the
fore front of taking care of the almajiri system. Recommendations were made to
families, communities, government and Non Governmental Organisation’s on ways
of improving the system and incorporating it with western education.
Keywords: psychosocial,
effects, almajiri, development
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