Clinical and Radiographical Evaluation of the Healing of Large Periapical Lesions using Triple Antibiotic Paste, Photo Activated Disinfection and Calcium Hydroxide When used as Root Canal Disinfectant

Elimination of microorganisms
from the root canal system is one of the objectives of the root canal treatment
and has a substantial effect on the treatment outcome. Accepted treatment
procedures to eliminate the infection include a combination of chemo-mechanical
debridement, application of an inter appointment dressing containing an
antimicrobial agent and finally sealing of the root canal. Unfortunately, micro
organisms may remain after conventional canal preparation, either within the
dentinal tubules or bound within the apical dentin plug. Therefore for complete
eradication of infection, the pulpal remnants as well as smear layer should be
removed from the root canals.
Some investigators recommend the
use of calcium hydroxide as an intracanal dressing in a multiple-visit
approach. The environment within the system, however, is such that delivering
the medicament and maintaining a high pH homogeneously is a challenge. For
these and other reasons, certain microbial species in a limited group of cases
do survive and can be responsible for persistent infections (1,2). Thus, the
search for a better alternative has led to the discoveries of newer
antimicrobial agents.
The Cariology Research Unit of the Niigata
University has developed the concept of ‘Lesion sterilization and tissue repair
LSTR’ therapy (3,4) that employs the use of a combination of antibacterial
drugs for disinfection of oral infectious lesions, including dentinal, pulpal,
and periradicular lesions. Repair of damaged tissues can be expected if lesions
are disinfected (5). Metronidazole was the first choice because it has a wide
bactericidal spectrum against anaerobes (6), which were common in oral sites.
However, some bacteria in lesions were resistant to metronidazole and, thus,
two other antibacterial drugs, e.g., ciprofloxacin and minocycline, should be
mixed with metronidazole (7) in an effort to eliminate all the bacteria.
Finally, extensive in vitro and in situ studies have been conducted showing the
mixed drugs to be effective against oral bacteria (5,8,9). The disadvantage of
this mixture is the discoloration caused by minocycline present in it (10).
In recent years novel
antimicrobial approaches to disinfect root canals have been proposed that
include Photo Activated Disinfection [PAD]. PAD uses a combination of
photosensitising dye, such as Tolonium chloride solution [TC] [synonym
Toluidine Blue O], and light of a specific wavelength. This combination using
light at 633G2 nm has been shown to kill high numbers of bacteria in planktonic
suspension, probably by disruption of the bacterial membrane by short range
free radicals or reactive oxygen species. TC is unchanged by the process, which
ceases when irradiation stops (11).
The present study was designed to
evaluate clinically and radiographically the healing of periapical lesions
using triple antibiotic paste, PAD and calcium hydroxide when used as root
canal disinfectant.
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