Analysis Of Anthropometric Risk Factor Profile Correlates Of Hypertension

BACKGROUND: Hypertension is an important risk
factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and has become a major global burden on
public health .Obesity and weight gain has been reported in previous studies as
the most important determinants of hypertension. Close link between obesity and
hypertension forms part of a broader relationship between body weight and blood
pressure (BP) among others.
OF THE STUDY: This call for a study to a
analyse the anthropometric risk factor profile correlates of blood pressure
(BP) levels in a representative sample of market women in Juaben.
AND METHODS: The study was carried out using
questionnaire as well as direct measurement within the period of March/April, 2015.
The study recorded high levels of
prevalence of all the selected anthropometric risk factor profiles of high
blood pressure (hypertension). A prevalence rate of 74% was noted for obesity.
Among other variables, the following prevalence rates were recorded: 85.1%
for excess WHR, 56% for excess abdominal
circumference/girth, 84% for sum of various classes of hypertension for
systolic and 48% for diastolic. An
analysis of correlations of anthropometric profiles of height and BMI on systolic blood pressure were significantly
correlated respectively (r=.417 and r=.366, p-value at 0.01). Contrary to this, statistically insignificant
correlations were observed on both systolic and diastolic blood
pressures respectively for weight r=.140
and r=.183; waist circumference r=.152 and r=.096; hip circumference r=.244 and r=.105; abdominal circumference/girth r= .082 and r=-.042; heart rate r=.187 and r=.141, p-value at 0.01).
Among anthropometric variables, waist to hip ratio showed statistically insignificant correlation on BMI
(r=.083, p-value at 0.01)
whereas weight r=.792; height r= -.405; waist circumference r=.469; abdominal circumference/girth r=.446 were statistically significant on BMI (p-value at 0.01) and hip circumference (r=.371, p-value at 0.05)
Against this, this study
proposed the following recommendations for consideration; organisation of health talk on weight management practices among market women.
There should be an awareness creation
on hypertension prevention as well as increased advocacy on vegetable and
fruits intake.
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