Community based approach to achieving Universal Access to HIV Testing and Counseling

Achieving universal access to HIV services requires a mixture of strategies to
increase opportunities for people to know their HIV status. APIN in conjunction
with civil society organization and with funding support from Global Fund (GF)
and National Agency for AIDS Control (NACA) embarked on community HTC outreach
campaigns in Lagos, Plateau and Oyo States of Nigeria. Community entry,
advocacy and mobilization were key start up strategies.
Methods/Approach and Result: Partnership
with Civil Society Organizations with strong presence leadership roles within
the communities was the main approach to a community based approach to
increasing uptake of HTC services in the three (3) states of Nigeria where AIDS
Prevention Initiative in Nigeria operated. Eighteen (18) LGAs, 189 communities
and 154 ANC locations across three states benefited from the outreaches.
54,841(1.2% positivity rates) people among the general population and 36,061
(0.19% positivity rates) pregnant women were provided with HCT services over three
Conclusion: Alternative
approaches to facility based HTC are critical to achieving universal access to
HTC. Community based approach to HTC that relies on strong partnerships and
collaboration with organizations that have commitments and leadership roles in
the communities can improve uptake of services. It is a veritable approach for
expanding access, availability and coverage of HTC services.
Keywords: Community, Partnership, Access, Uptake, eMTCT, Advocacy, Mobilization
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