Prevalence and Factors Associated with Obesity and Overweight Among Pensioners In The Eastern Region Of Ghana

The population of the
elderly is seen as one of the fastest growing in the developing world. The
elderly population is associated with many challenges. Obesity and overweight
have being associated with increased mortality and reduced quality of life in
the elderly. The study aimed at obtaining the prevalence and factors associated
with obesity the elderly
A cross-sectional
studies was conducted among 401 pensioners using questionnaires and physical
examination and laboratory examination of blood samples in the eastern regional
capital of Ghana. Cross tabulations were used to obtain the prevalence of
obesity and overweight. Logistic regression was carried out to find out factors
associated with obesity and overweight.
The prevalence of
obesity among pensioners was 14.2%. Females were more likely to be obese with
prevalence of 35.4% for female and 4.4% for males (p-value <0.001). Age,
Social class, current marital status and highest educational level were
socio-demographic factors associated with obesity/overweight. Hypertension,
diabetes, serum total cholesterol, serum Low-density lipoprotein, serum
triglyceride and use of eyeglasses were medical factors associated with
Obesity and overweight
are associated with medical conditions even in the elderly population. Reducing
obesity must start before pension.
Body Mass Index, Pensioners, elderly, prevalence,
associated factors
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