Life skill Development of Autistic Children Following Education Therapy in Specialized Schools

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.07.01.Art005

Authors : Irin Hossain, Rowshon Ara, Ummul Khair Alam


Life skill development is a comprehensive approach to measuring skills outcome that evaluates an individual’s level of skills that develops. A cross sectional study was done among purposively selected 158 respondents and age range of autistic child was 5 to 20 years old who attended PROYASH specialized school-based treatment in Dhaka city from January to December 2016. All the respondents were school teachers, class teacher assistant and parents of 5 to 20 years old previously diagnosed autistic children with male predominance which was almost 68%. Among 158 cases more than 90% child were diagnosed as autistic within 2 to 3 years of e and 99.4% autistic children get formal education. After getting special intervention in specialized school 61.39% could utter words but couldn’t make sentences, 37.97% could communicate with sentences and 0.63% had no verbal communication. In this study 99.4% children get the treatment for autism. Medicines also help in the regeneration of nerves. In this study 61.4% autistic child only utter words, 38% child make sentences and only 0.6% with autism do not talk at all after therapy. The study identified the apparent situation of skills and relationship among variables and daily living skills could be improved by intervention therapies like SCERTS (Social communication, Emotional regulation, Transactional support) model, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Auditory Integration Training (AIT), Daily Life Therapy, THE HANDLE Institute (Holistic Approach To Neurological Development and Learning Efficiency), Integrated Play Therapy, Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS) and so on.

Keywords: Life skill Development, Autistic Children, Education Therapy.


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