Knowledge of Malaria Infection and Preventive Seeking Behavior among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic in a Tertiary Health Institution in North Eastern Nigeria

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.08.02.Art019

Authors : Olayinka V. Ojo, Adeola Y. Bakare, Victor o Olatunde, Anna Onaja, Hajara A Mazang, Christiana yusuf


Nigeria contributes the highest morbidity and mortality rate to the global burden of malaria. it a known fact that malaria is one of the major public health issues in developing countries in which about 3.4 billion people are at risk of the disease globally. Pregnant women and children are classified to be the most vulnerable group that is mostly affected in the population.

Methodology: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among pregnant women attending ante-natal clinic in a tertiary health institution, using a semi structured questionnaire Scores were used to grade respondent knowledge of malaria infection and preventive seeking behaviour. Data was presented using descriptive statistics and Inferential statistics was used for the association between various variable and preventive seeking behaviour of respondent towards malaria.

Result: The result shows that of 204 respondent interviewed the mean age was 27.6+6.2 years, 93% has good awareness about malaria infection, and a good proportion of the respondent i.e. 60.4% has good preventive seeking behaviour and all socio demographic characteristics are statistically associated with preventive seeking behaviour (p<0.05) except age which is (p>0.05).

Conclusion: This study indicates that socio demographic variable except age affect preventive seeking behaviour towards malaria among pregnant women, preventive seeking behaviour such as drinking traditional concoction should be discouraged so as not to affect the development of the foetus and more awareness campaign on the use of insecticide treated net should be carried out.


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