Successes and Failures of the National Polio Vaccination Campaign, Case Report of the North West Region, Cameroon

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.08.02.Art025

Authors : Ndipowa James Attangeur Chimfutumba, Kamga Henri Lucien


Background: An evaluation of the failures and successes of the Polio Vaccination campaign in the North West Region of Cameroon was carried out within the context of a Poliomyelitis epidemic and an upsurge of diseases of epidemic potential such as Measles and yellow fever in the North West Region and other Regions of Cameroon.

Objective: The main objective of this appraisal was to decipher the various factors, activities, omissions and commissions that constitute an impediment to the efforts of the Cameroon health authorities, her partners and stake-holders in their effort to contend and eradicate these debilitating and fatal diseases.

Purpose: To contribute in the building of a more efficient and effective vaccination programme for the immunization of Poliomyelitis in the North West Region of Cameroon in general and the Bamenda Health District in particular.

Methodology: This involved evaluation of the background of Poliomyelitis in Cameroon, the organization and implementation of vaccination programmes in Cameroon and its peculiarities in the North West Region, including eminent lapses. A SWOT analysis was also conducted.

Results: A substandard vaccination programme was revealed characterized by Twenty-four imported cases of wild polio registered in the North Region of Cameroon between 2003 and 2011. There exists a huge number of flaws and inadequacies in the vaccination and immunization programme in the North West Region, including poor management of vaccination resistance and refusals. This indicates a high risk of resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases.

Conclusion: The SWOT analysis and the recommendations that follow are believed to serve as lessons to other communities across Africa and beyond.


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