The Health and Socio-Economic Status of the Buvuma Main Island Community in Buvuma District, Uganda

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.08.03.Art008

Authors : Edward Kibikyo Mukooza, Ekiria Kikule, Evatt Mugarura, Stephen Semujju, Maureen Kusiima, Peter Ubomba Jaswa, Edward Kanyesigye


Background: Uganda Christian University’s Department of Public Health with Buvuma District local government, the local communities and the local Anglican Church of Uganda conducted a study to assess the household health and socio-economic status of communities on Buvuma’s main island.

Methods: The Study design was cross-sectional and descriptive. The sample was 212 households and data were collected using Pretested Questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions, and Key Informants Interviews.

Results: Most respondents (59.9%) were female, aged 18-59 years (89.9%) with primary education (48.1%). About 21% of respondents had no formal education. Housing was mainly (73.1%) one or two roomed with earthen floors in 84.4%.; the lake was a source of water in 41% of households and water was used untreated in 36.8% of households; latrine coverage was 62.7%. Wood (70.5%) and charcoal (29.5%) were the energy sources for cooking and solar energy was used for lighting in 54.3% of the households. Malaria was the commonest cause of morbidity; 100% of households had nets, but 32.1% did not use them. 92% of mothers received antenatal care but 88.2% delivered in health facilities. Income was mostly from subsistence farming (74%) with per capita income of 20,000 to 50,000 Uganda shillings for 45% households. Most income (54%) was spent on children’s education. About 50.9% of respondents did not own land but 89.6% had a garden to grow food.

Conclusion: Overall, the study community, in a hard to reach island district, had poorer health and socio-economic indicators than the Country.

Keywords: Hard-to-reach; Buvuma; Island; Survey, Household, Health and Socio-Economic Status.




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