Factors Affecting Dengue Fever among the Population in Bandar Maharani, Muar, Johor, Malaysia

Background: Dengue is a
mosquito-borne viral disease. The trend of dengue incidence in Malaysia has
continued to increase since 2001 until 2014. Despite the close monitoring and
continuous efforts from the Ministry of Health and Municipals to conduct the
prevention and control activities, the number of dengue cases continued to
increase due to multiple uncontrolled factors.
Aim: Our objective is to assess the factors
affecting dengue fever among the population in Bandar Maharani, Muar, Johor,
Methodology: A
descriptive, cross-sectional study design based on simple random sampling,
resident aged between 18 to 60 years old was randomly chosen. Data was
collected using assisted self-administered questionnaire that covered 4 parts
i.e. socio-demographic data, knowledge about dengue infection, attitudes
towards dengue fever and practices of dengue prevention. Data was analyzed
using PASW statistics student version 18.
Results: It was found
that knowledge among the respondent was only moderate. The respondents’
attitude was neutral and the practice was good. The most common source of
information on dengue was from the television (72.1%). There was significant
association between knowledge and practice (p = 0.000) and also between
attitude and practice (p = 0.000). Attitude was associated with ethnicity (p =
0.002) and education level (p = 0.031).
Conclusion: The study
has highlighted that despite having satisfactory level of practice on dengue
prevention, the knowledge and attitude can be further strengthened.
Information, education and communication materials can be provided at areas
that are more accessible. This would help to increase knowledge and mold
positive attitude among the Muarian to eliminate dengue fever.
Keywords: Dengue
Fever, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Malaysia
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